Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Hilton Head 2010 - part 1

Okay, okay. I know I promised these pics long ago, but I just took way too many this year. I could just slap them on here with no editing, but that's not how I roll. So, I'll just have to post them in stages.
I'll start with some father-daughter pics from this year's Garvin-family beach trip. Some of my favorite pictures to take are of my two favorite people. I just love pics of Tripp and Avery together....they make my heart smile! You can just see the love....

There's nothing like being Daddy's Little Girl!

Friday, October 8, 2010

School Portrait 2010

It's already that time of year! School picture day. The second week in September, Avery's special needs school had picture day. Now-a days they have you order the picture before they are ever even taken! So you fork over the money and cross your fingers for a decent pic. Believe it or not, getting Avery to smile for the camera is not an easy task.....this photographer has my vote for photographer of the year!

* Don't worry family & friends, I ordered extras!
Thanks Aim, for the adorable dress :)

Monday, October 4, 2010

New 'Little Miracle'!!!!!!

Look who's riding a tricycle!!!!!!

We have been working on this in therapy for a year and she is finally able to pedal!!!! She still needs a tiny push to help her initially get going, but we are so excited to see her pedal around!!!  I love seeing all her hard work pay off!!!!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Daisy does therapy

Avery's babydoll, Daisy has been doing some therapy lately. Avery has been working with her on trunk control with the therapy ball.