Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Even though Avery only spent 2 months in her special needs preschool class, she jumped right in like she had been there all year! The teachers knew her so well after such a short time. At their end-of-the-year awards program, the kids sang some of the songs they learned this year and the teachers handed out an award to each child along with their Certification of Completion. Awards included things like 'Best Smile', 'Best Hugs' and 'Most Improved'. What award was Avery awarded?

I am proud to announce our......'Little Mommy of the Year'

Avery receiving her award from Ms Patsy (teacher) and Ms Monica (Aid)

Like I said, the teachers knew her so well. For those who don't know, Avery is borderline obsessed with her baby dolls.  She feeds them, changes them, puts them down for naps, puts them in time-out, takes them to the park....she truly is a 'Little Mommy'.

Ms Patsy's 3 yr olds class 2010

Avery and Ms Patsy (someone did not want to look at the camera!)

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