Thursday, November 12, 2009

Hi my name is....

'Hi, my name is Michelle and I have a photo problem'. Ever since I was a child, I loved taking pictures! Whether it was with my mom's Polaroid or my 35mm point-and-shoot (you know, the long skinny one with the manual dial that wound the film to the next frame....ah, the good ol' 80's), I was always shooting rolls and rolls of film. I'm sure my mom wished the digital age had come about much sooner!

Anastasia (my first subject)
October 26, 1995 - April 17, 2009

Early into our marriage, Tripp asked me a random (or so I thought) question. "What is a hobby that you have always wanted to take up?" I immediately replied. "Photography!" That Christmas, "Santa" left my first SLR camera, a Nikon N60 under the tree! Again, I took rolls and rolls of film, but it wasn't until our daughter, Avery was born that my passion truly took off! It seemed I constantly had my camera attached to my hand! At this point, the digital age had hit and I "upgraded" my SLR to a dSLR.....bye-bye film, hello thousands of pictures!

Avery - 22 months

Literally, I have thousands of pictures of this little sweet pea! I constantly have family and friends asking to see my new pictures of Avery....thus the birth of this blog. Welcome to Making Memories with the Garvins!

Avery 2 years old
March 2009

1 comment:

  1. With such good subjects how can you help but take thousands of pics! Click away!
