Friday, August 3, 2012

The day has finally come...

....First day of Kindergarten!!!

We have been driving Avery by her new school several times this summer, to show her the new big school. We purchased a brand new bookbag and matching lunch box and a long list of school supplies. She was very excited and couldn't wait to wear her new bookbag - she even went to check on it daily after we bought it. She would look at it and say 'Yep, there it is, it's ok!'

I took lots of pics and even a video while she ate her first breakfast as a kindergartener, but forgot to get video of her at school! It was quite hectic and crowded, so the pics will have to do!


First day under our belt......Afternoon carpool


Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Kindergarten Meet & Greet

Well, we got the teacher I had hoped we would!!! She did Avery's skills test at registration back in April and she was the teacher that sat in on Avery's IEP Transition Meeting. She also happens to be friends with many of our neighbors/friends! She is a good mix of sweet and loving, but firm when she needs to be.....just what Avery needs!

Mrs Downey
(this is what I get for taking my point and shoot, blurry pics!)

As we were walking in, we ran into an old friend. Remember Hannah? She is the daughter of Avery's teacher last year that just adores Avery. She was with her best friend who happens to live at the end of our street. Hannah showed us around...holding Avery's hand the whole time :)

I snapped this when we went for our private tour. She is now a Knox Knight!