Thursday, February 18, 2010

Can you feel the sunshine?

With all this frigid weather and snow, I feel the need to back up a bit and bask in the warm sunshine! Rewind back to September to our annual Hilton Head vacation. Imagine with me for a moment....the heavenly sound of the ocean waves crashing against the shore, the sound of the seagulls flying over head, the fresh, salt air and the warmth of beautiful sunshine on your skin....ahhh, the beach!

Back to reality. At least they are calling for the high temperature tomorrow to be in the mid 50's! Break out the swimsuit and flip-flops! 

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Can't get enough!

As soon as Avery woke up, she was asking to go "see" the snow. We don't get much of the white stuff down here, so when we do, we take full advantage of it! Here are some of the pics from day 2 of SNOW!!!

Eating the snow straight off the ground...

Eating the snow off of her "gwuvs"...

Dusting the snow off of her "gwuvs". She did not like to have snow on her suit or "gwuvs" at all!

Finally, one of Ivan....what a fine hound!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Finally! Some decent white stuff in the South!

Grandee and Grandpa Garvin, I mean, uh, Santa, brought Avery a very adorable snow suit for Christmas this year, and we were beginning to wonder if it would get proper use this year. Today's snowfall answered  that question! As soon as there was a good couple inches on the ground, we whipped out the snow suit and headed out to play. Avery preferred to just walk around in the snow and watch Daddy throw snowballs at Ivan. She did help Daddy build a tiny snowman and I even caught her taking a little taste of the snow.
Thanks for the snow suit Grandpa and Grandee! It definitely came in handy today!

Saturday, February 6, 2010


I know I never do this with my cereal bowl, (well not with Avery in the room at least) must just be genetics. Grandaddy and Uncle Bill are known to lick their plates when they are finished with a meal....but I don't think our innocent, little princess has ever witnessed this embarrassing act...yep, gotta be genetics!